About Us
Our history.
Over the centuries many Christian Churches on this continent have been established by immigrants who had left their homelands in Europe for search of a better future. Many had their own church affiliations and so, Presbyterian, Anglican, Lutheran, Reformed and Baptist Churches, to mention a few, having their roots in the ancient world of Europe were established on the American continent.
The history of the church is fascinating. It speaks of the rule and omnipotence of the King of our Church, the Lord Jesus Christ, who directed the Gospel of Salvation to be spread by the actions of his followers. Though we branched out from Reformed Churches in this country, our roots are originally in the Netherlands of the seventeenth century. At that time the Netherlands was under the rule of Spain. Its ruler, Philip II, suppressed the Reformed Faith which he called heresy. The Dutch fought an eighty years war against Spain for freedom of religion and declared themselves independent from their oppressor. It was during this time that the Reformed Churches were established, having been greatly influenced by the teachings of John Calvin, the great Reformer of Geneva. At that time the Confessions of the Reformed Churches were established which we still adhere to today – the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt. With many churches of different Reformed persuasions we also adhere also to the ancient historical Creeds – the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed.
The Immanuel Reformed Church was founded in late 1994 by a number of families who wanted to start a new church under the federation of the Orthodox Christian Reformed Churches (OCRC). Fourteen years later, in August 2008, the OCRC Synod voted in favour to accept an invitation to join the United Reformed Churches in North America; our church was renamed to Immanuel Reformed Church of Nobleton in the process. While we have seen changes over the past two and a half decades, we remain committed to the core doctrine and practices of the Christian faith and to diligently serving Bolton and the surrounding area.
Today we are a generationally diverse congregation. The worship of our triune God is the center of our congregation life. We bless the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of His Son, working obedience in our hearts through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. As we heed the call to worship in this life, we are ever looking forward to the eternal Sabbath. We worship in the former Caven Presbyterian Church building, 110 King Street West, Bolton, Ontario twice each Sunday, at 9:30am and 3:30pm, and on special days as announced.
At the heart of our congregational life is the conviction that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and Lord. We believe that He saves us from the power of sin and guilt and rules over us by His Word and through His Holy Spirit. As we put our faith in Christ, we find forgiveness for the wrong we have done and we also discover the power to change our lives to harmonize with the will of God.
As a congregation, we make it our aim to live for Christ not just on Sunday but on every day of the week and in every part of life. We hope that the witness of our words and our life will also attract our neighbours to the salvation which God gives in Christ.
We confess Jesus Christ as the only Savior and the Sovereign Lord over all of life, and are fully committed to the Bible in its entirety as the Word of God written, without error in all its parts, and to its teaching as set forth in the historic Reformed standards (the Three Forms of Unity) and in the Ecumenical Creeds.
Also known as the Five Articles against the Remonstrants, the Canons of Dort were adopted at the Synod of Dort in 1618–1619, and are statements of doctrine written to define the Reformed doctrine and reject that of Arminius and his followers.
Written by Guido de Brès, a preacher of the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands, who died a martyr to the faith in the year 1567. Its primary purpose at the time was to protest against the cruel oppression by the Roman Catholic government, and to prove to the persecuters that the adherents of the Reformed faith were not rebels, but law-abiding citizens.
Written in Heidelberg by two Germon theologians, Zacharius Ursinus and Caspar Olevianus, at the request of Elector Frederick III, it was adopted by the Synod of Heidelberg in 1563. It consists of a number of questions and answers, and is organised into 52 Lord’s Days, allowing the minister to preach on one each Sunday of the year.
The Nicene Creed, also called the Nicaeno-Constantinopolitan Creed, is a statement of the orthodox faith of the early Christian Church, in opposition to certain heresies, especially Arianism.
This Creed is called the Apostles’ Creed, not because it is a production of the apostles themselves, but because it contains a brief summary of their teachings. It sets forth their doctrine, as has been well said, “in sublime simplicity, in unsurpassable brevity, in beautiful order, and with liturgical solemnity.” In its present form it is of no later date than the fourth century. More than any other creed of Christendom, it may justly be called an ecumenical symbol of faith.
Its Author unknown, this Creed, though more explicit and advanced theologically than the Apostles’ and the Nicene Creeds, cannot be said to possess the simplicity, spontaneity, and majesty of these. Apart from the opening and closing sentences, this creed consists of two parts, the first setting forth the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity (3-28), and the second dealing chiefly with the incarnation and the two natures doctrine (29-43).
Born into a loving Christian home, it was my deep privilege to know Christ as my Saviour from my early youth. The faith God planted in my heart was nurtured by His Word and Spirit in a faithful, God-honoring home and church. In the words of the Psalmist, I received a goodly heritage! The sense of His nearness and sovereign control held me through some early struggles with covenant theology and baptism. After graduating in Classical Studies at York University in Toronto, I traveled a diverse path of theological preparation which began at Toronto Baptist Seminary, a school solidly committed to the doctrine of grace. The counsel of godly men such as the late Rev. Harry Van Dyken brought a renewed and strengthened appreciation of covenant. theology. Under the auspices of a newly created pastoral training program in the Orthodox Christian Reformed Churches, I enjoyed the privilege of studying under the tutelage of a number of ministers while enrolling in additional courses at T.B.S., the Theological College of Canadian Reformed Churches, and at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Orange County, Iowa.
During my theological studies, my life became immeasurably enriched with the love of my wife Christine. We were married in 1988 and then the Lord called us to serve His church in Lynden, Washington, where He planted a small, but vibrant, church. We were blessed there for seven and a half years as the church grew and multiplied. The first three of our five ‘arrows’ the Lord has given us (Psalm 127:4) were born there. In 1996 the Lord called us to Nobleton, Ontario, where we have been deeply privileged to be part of serving and building His congregation. As we continue to serve our Saviour here today, and as we look to the future ahead, our heart and hopes are stirred by the words of Jeremiah,
” ‘ Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘ Therefore I hope in Him! ‘ The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him! ” (Lamentations 3:22-25)
The office of Elder is based on the kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, when He ascended, left His church in the world and provided it with officers who should rule in His name. For this reason, the Elders are called to care for Christ’s flock, maintain the purity of the Word and sacraments, faithfully exercise discipline, and to uphold the good order of the church.
The office of Deacon is based on the love and concern of Christ for His own. The work of the Deacons consists in the faithful and diligent gathering of the offerings, the prevention of poverty, in the humble and cheerful distribution of gifts according to need, and in the relief of the distressed, both with kind deeds and words of comfort and encouragement from Scripture.
Fellowship and the study of the Scriptures is an essential part of congregational life. The treasures of God’s Word become increasingly dearer to us as we corporately delve into the Scriptures. So the gifts which the Lord has given to each individual member of the Body of Christ are used to help each other grow in grace until the day of the Lord’s return.
We have a nursery facility on the main level for infants and toddlers up to 4 years old. Our team of volunteers provide a safe and caring environment so parents can be worry-free during both service times. Parents are asked to sign their children in and out and provide instructions to help us meet their needs.
Cadets is a place where Leaders share the joy and wisdom of Christlike living with boys aged 9-15 years every other Friday evening, September – May, from 7-9 pm in Bolton at the Immanuel Reformed Church Building. This is done through Bible Study, crafts, projects, games and merit badge achievement awards. The Cadets are affiliated with the Calvinist Cadet Corps.
Comprised of girls aged 9-15 years, Kingdom Seekers meets every other Friday evening, September – May, from 7-9 pm in Bolton at the Immanuel Reformed Church Building. Every season a badge is completed as a group, and the girls are encouraged to work on earning additional ones in their spare time. In addition to Bible Study, girls participate in team building and develop skills through badge work and fun crafts.
Our theme is “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)
Young People Society meets every Sunday evening and alternates between Bible Study at the church and Coffeehouse hosted at the homes of congregational members. Young Peoples is open to youth aged 16+. During the summer months, Young Peoples meet every Wednesday night at 7:00pm for volleyball, location to be announced.
Please note our church abides by a strict Abuse Prevention Policy and all volunteers working with children have completed a Vulnerable Sector Check.
For more information regarding our Abuse Prevention Policy, please contact the church directly.
Every Wednesday morning from 9:30 – 11am, women meet together for prayer, Bible study, and friendship. Studies vary from season to season, including topical books for practical Christian living or in-depth Bible studies.
Free childcare is provided for infants and preschool children.
Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies alternate every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm from September – May. Lessons are voluntarily led by members of the church. All are welcome to come and join in the meaningful and fulfilling discussions that occur at these meetings as we strive to ever increase our faith and knowledge of our Almighty King of kings and Lord of lords.
Local Bible Study groups, divided by geographical locale, meet once a month in members’ homes. These studies are Elder led.